Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Norway Independence Day

I learned from Katrine this week that Norway will be celebrating their Independence Day on May 17th. It looks like everyone walks together she explained it that they celebrate by going in a train (the picture above). And then the community gather together on their soccerpath (she didn't know what it was in english). After this she will go to her friends house with her family and they will have a barbecue. She really likes this day. It sounds a lot like how we celebrate our Independence day also.

The picture of her in a dress is the Norway national dress called "bunad". She says that Norway has many different national dresses depending on where you live. Her dress is the one from Vestfold which is the county she lives in.
It is so cool to learn about how other countries celebrate. I can't wait to learn even more from her as the year goes on. I am sure once she gets here we will learn a lot more.
CJ is looking forward to learning Norwegian. We will see how that goes.

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