Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ok so it has been a while since i have updated. We have been busy busy busy. I never knew how busy your life gets when you have a teenager, but it is great....i love it!!

So lets see what all have we done since the last time I posted. Katrine has been in school for 5 weeks now. She is doing really good. We had an open house/meet the teacher night a couple of weeks ago and all of her teachers love her. They only had good things to say about her. We were so happy to hear this. She is taking some really hard classes.

This is what she is taking this semester and this is what her grades are right now:

Sociology 100
Geometry 79 (this is the class she is having the hardest time with)
English 3 85
Psychology 80

CJ has been helping her alot with her Geometry he has had to re-learn some things himself through all of this.

A couple of weeks ago we took her to her 1st High School Football game. That was alot of fun it had been a really long time since I had been to a game as well. We sat next to the band and behind the drill team so that brought back alot of memories for both me and CJ. Let me tell ya high school is ALOT different now then it was when I was in school. It is alot of fun getting to re-live the high school fun stuff without having to do the homework.

Gotta run for today will update again...we have several things going on right now!!
I will add pictures of the football game.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

more pictures

These pictures are from the tailgate party for my work and the petting zoo at the stockyards!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Ok I need to do a little updating here! I am going to add some pictures of some of the things that we have been doing with Katrine since she has arrived in Dallas.

She has been here 2 weeks I can't believe it has already been that long. We have been having such a great time with her.

When she first got here she was so tired she had been up for over 24 hours I am sure it was close to about 48 with all of the time changes and everything else. When we saw her at the airport we had a nice sign welcoming her and some flowers and balloon's (we wanted to make sure she could see us)! I couldn't wait to see her face when we got outside and she had the first taste of this Texas heat. I think it actually took her breath was really hot that day I think it was around 101 or so at 7:45 pm. When she left Norway it was 56 there...that is a huge difference!! But I think she has adjusted very well to our heat.

The first night we went to Logan's Roadhouse for dinner we wanted something that was Texan so that is where we went. She had a huge cheeseburger with everything under the sun on looked really good. She ate about half of it! After that we went home and showed her around the house and then took her to her room (i think she really likes it...i am glad) then we left her to unpack and go to bed. She got up alot earlier that I thought she would the next day she only slept until about 9:30. We just hung around the house and watched a movie then got ready for our day.

Our first stop was the High School. All of the teachers and office staff was there so we went in so she could walk around and see some of the school so she wouldn't be totally clueless when she started school. While we were there we found out that they wouldn't be able to get her classes scheduled until Tuesday so she had an extra day off from school...she loved that! After that we went to lunch (cheap pizza CICI's) then headed to my work to get something for the Corporate Challenge tailgate party. While we were at my work she meet some of my co-workers. Then I had to take her with me to our tailgate party out in the heat....i felt really bad but i did make sure she stayed in the shade and at least that night there was a really nice breeze so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. She did survive!!

The next day (Saturday) we went to run a couple of errands and took her to meet CJ's mom at her work. She gave her a nice flower arrangement and some cute little earrings. Then we (me and Katrine) went school clothes shopping. She did find a few things that she liked we really didn't get nearly as much as i thought she would get but she has enough for now!

On Sunday we took her to the Fort Worth Stockyards. She got to go to a petting zoo she had never done that before then she got to pet a horse (first time for this too). We saw the cattle herd and then watched the gun show. I think it was a little loud for her.

Monday since we couldn't get her into school that day we went to see a movie Step up 3D. It was a pretty good movie I think we all liked it. Then the rest of the day we just relaxed and watched TV.

Tuesday was her first day of school!! We were able to get in and get her schedule changed pretty quickly. The school counselor was very nice and got everything changed to what she wanted for her. She told us that she is the counselor for all of the foreign exchange students and after a couple of weeks she was going to get all of the exchange kids together so they could all meet. I think she said that there were 4 exchange students enrolled right now. I think it will be good for Katrine to meet the others then she will have someone to talk to about any problems they are having being in an American school.

Well I post how everything is going in school later!

Patrice & CJ

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Katrine's Room Pictures

One day I will learn how to do this blog where I can put pictures where i want them!!!

Today is the Day

Well it is finally time for Katrine to get here! We are so excited to meet her! We have been working really hard to get everything ready for her. CJ worked in the attic the other day getting our wireless set up so she can have wireless in her room. I have been working on alot of different projects for her room. And I have to say I absolutly love it!! My friend Leslie came over last weekend and helped me get everything on the wall and put up.

I have made her a cute little sign welcoming her to Texas for us to have at the airport and i am going to have some balloons and a small bouquet of flowers. ( i will post some pictures of this tomorrow). She shouldn't have any trouble finding us at the airport.

It has been a really long day of travel for her and when i spoke to her dad he said she hadn't slept in over 24 hours. She is goiong to be so so tired when she gets here.

I am posting some pics of the new room!