Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ok so it has been a while since i have updated. We have been busy busy busy. I never knew how busy your life gets when you have a teenager, but it is great....i love it!!

So lets see what all have we done since the last time I posted. Katrine has been in school for 5 weeks now. She is doing really good. We had an open house/meet the teacher night a couple of weeks ago and all of her teachers love her. They only had good things to say about her. We were so happy to hear this. She is taking some really hard classes.

This is what she is taking this semester and this is what her grades are right now:

Sociology 100
Geometry 79 (this is the class she is having the hardest time with)
English 3 85
Psychology 80

CJ has been helping her alot with her Geometry he has had to re-learn some things himself through all of this.

A couple of weeks ago we took her to her 1st High School Football game. That was alot of fun it had been a really long time since I had been to a game as well. We sat next to the band and behind the drill team so that brought back alot of memories for both me and CJ. Let me tell ya high school is ALOT different now then it was when I was in school. It is alot of fun getting to re-live the high school fun stuff without having to do the homework.

Gotta run for today will update again...we have several things going on right now!!
I will add pictures of the football game.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

more pictures

These pictures are from the tailgate party for my work and the petting zoo at the stockyards!