Friday, July 30, 2010

20 days until Katrine comes to live with us for the year! I am so excited and can't wait to meet her. She is coming in on August 19th at 7:45. This isn't the date that I wanted for her to come in on because school starts on the 23rd so that doesn't give us very much time. I was trying to get her registered for school before she got here but when I went to the school I found out that she has to be there in person to register so we will have to do it on the first day of school. I just hope that she will be able to still get into some of the classes that she wants to get into. I did learn that high school is a lot different now from when I was in school. At Lewisville High they are on a schedule that is more like college they have 4 classes a day. It will be fun to see what else has changed about high school since I have been out for 21 years...oh that makes me feel really really old.
I still have alot to do to get ready for her. I have to finish cleaning out everything from her room so she will have room for her stuff. I also need to finish decorating also! We did buy her a new dresser for her room. I have the curtains up now i just need to get other things put up on the wall.
well I think that is all I have to add for now.
Patrice & CJ