Monday, June 7, 2010


Well today is Katrine's 17th Birthday!! We sent her a birthday package and I was afraid that it wasn't going to make it to her in time but just a few minutes ago I got an email from her thanking us for her gifts! I was so happy that she got it on her actual birthday! We sent her 2 t-shirts from old navy, a Texas trivia book, a bag that has alot of the different cities in Texas on it and I made her a necklace. She got a really nice digital camera from her family that will be perfect for when she comes here she will be able to send alot of pictures to her family of all of the fun stuff that we are going to do while she is here in Texas.
Speaking of that we have a list of things that we are planning to take her to do and see. We would love to hear some things that you think we should do.