Monday, April 26, 2010

Ok so i am new at this and it posted last time before i was ready and didn't post everything that i had typed so i will continue.

How we were matched

We were assigned a local coordinator and they sent us 9 student profiles to look over and see which one we would like to have come and live with us. This is a really fun thing to do because you get to read about them and find out what there interests are and what they like to do for fun. You also learn about things that they are wanting to do while they are here in America. We found three that we liked and sent those names back to the coordinator when he got back to us he said that two of them had already been assigned to other families and one of the girls were on hold with another family. I was really sad about this because I really liked the three that we had sent him. A couple of days later he emailed me and said that we had gotten one of the girls that I had wanted. We were so happy to find out that we were getting Katrine.

Our student

The student that was matched with us is 16 her name is Katrine and she is from Norway. She lives at home with her parents and a younger sister. She has two cats (so she will fit in with our spoiled little kitty). We have been emailing back and forth getting to know each other. We have learned that we have alot in common, we like to watch alot of the same t.v. shows and movies and she likes history so that excites CJ he has been sending her some Texas history emails.

We feel very lucky to have been paired with her. We are both so excited and can't wait for her to get here. I already feel like she is part of our family and we haven't even meet yet.

Our Foreign Exchange Student

Hey Everyone!

We want to share our exciting news about what we are up to these days. We have decieded to be a host family for a foreign exchange student. It all started one day when we went to see a movie I saw an add for EF Foundation. The next week I was still thinking about the add that I had seen so I looked them up and after reading about them and reading alot of student profiles I talked with CJ and asked him if this would be something he would be interested in doing. I was so happy that he was happy to do it as well. So after that we started the paperwork we had to fill out several pages of questionaires, we had to do a background check, send in pictures of our house and have a home visit. We were so happy to find out that we had been approved!

How you get matched